Julian Stocks
Public Art
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73B Fifth Avenue, Brixton Village Market, London, UK. SW9 8PS.
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'Water's Murmur'

Set 1

Set 2


Steel triptych screen
Kinnerton Street, London, England

3m x 3m x 8mm

Client: Grosvenor
Architect: KSS

'Water's Murmur' is a steel relief for The Grosvenor Estate in Mayfair, London. The primary element is a 3m(H) x 3m(W) x 8mm(D) steel triptych screen which is supported by a series of balconies.

It is a celebration of the River Westbourne. This river flows beneath Kinnerton Street and the artwork maps this water course on its journey through the metropolitan landscape.

In spite of human intervention the river has maintained its presence and course, and by extension the artwork celebrates these indomitable qualities.

Water is associated with natural cycles of renewal and growth, but it is also a powerful phenomenon that is adaptable and resilient....water will always find its level.

'Water's Murmur' aims to re-establish the link between the city and nature. It strives to return this London river to our lives and imaginations by celebrating the waters that flow beneath our feet.